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day_06.zig (6630B)

      1 const std = @import("std");
      2 const debug = std.debug;
      3 const fmt = std.fmt;
      4 const mem = std.mem;
      5 const math = std.math;
      7 pub fn main() !void {
      8     var allocator = &std.heap.DirectAllocator.init().allocator;
     10     var result1 = try biggest_finite_area(allocator, coordinates);
     11     debug.assert(result1 == 2342);
     12     debug.warn("06-1: {}\n", result1);
     14     var result2 = try safe_area(coordinates, 10000);
     15     debug.assert(result2 == 43302);
     16     debug.warn("06-2: {}\n", result2);
     17 }
     19 fn safe_area(coords: []const V2, distance_threshold: usize) !u32 {
     20     var max = point(0, 0);
     21     for (coords) |c| {
     22         //V2.print(c);
     23         if (c.x > max.x) {
     24             max.x = c.x;
     25         }
     26         if (c.y > max.y) {
     27             max.y = c.y;
     28         }
     29     }
     31     const field_stride = max.x + 1;
     32     const field_size: usize = field_stride * (max.y + 1);
     34     var area: u32 = 0;
     35     var cell_i: usize = 0;
     36     while (cell_i < field_size) : (cell_i += 1) {
     37         var distance_sum: usize = 0;
     38         for (coords) |coord, coord_i| {
     39             var dist = try manhattan_distance(point_from_index(cell_i, field_stride), coord);
     40             distance_sum += dist;
     41             if (distance_sum >= distance_threshold) {
     42                 break;
     43             }
     44         }
     45         if (distance_sum < distance_threshold) {
     46             area += 1;
     47         }
     48     }
     50     return area;
     51 }
     53 test "safe area" {
     54     const test_threshold: usize = 32;
     55     debug.assert(16 == try safe_area(test_coords, test_threshold));
     56 }
     58 fn biggest_finite_area(allocator: *mem.Allocator, coords: []const V2) !u32 {
     59     var max = point(0, 0);
     60     for (coords) |c| {
     61         //V2.print(c);
     62         if (c.x > max.x) {
     63             max.x = c.x;
     64         }
     65         if (c.y > max.y) {
     66             max.y = c.y;
     67         }
     68     }
     70     var field_stride = max.x + 1;
     71     var field = try allocator.alloc(isize, field_stride * (max.y + 1));
     72     defer;
     74     for (field) |*cell, cell_i| {
     75         cell.* = -1;
     76         var closest_distance = field.len * 1000;
     78         for (coords) |coord, coord_i| {
     79             var dist = try manhattan_distance(point_from_index(cell_i, field_stride), coord);
     80             if (dist < closest_distance) {
     81                 closest_distance = dist;
     82                 cell.* = @intCast(isize, coord_i);
     83             } else if (dist == closest_distance) {
     84                 // when a cell of the field contains -1, this represents a tie
     85                 cell.* = -1;
     86             }
     87         }
     88     }
     90     var coord_counts = try allocator.alloc(isize, coords.len);
     91     defer;
     92     for (coord_counts) |*count| {
     93         count.* = 0;
     94     }
     96     for (field) |cell, cell_i| {
     97         if (cell < 0) {
     98             continue;
     99         }
    101         var current_cell = point_from_index(cell_i, field_stride);
    103         if (current_cell.x == 0
    104             or current_cell.y == 0
    105             or current_cell.x >= max.x
    106             or current_cell.y >= max.y) {
    107             // when a coord_count contains -1, this means that the area of that
    108             // coord is infinite
    109             coord_counts[@intCast(usize, cell)] = -1;
    110         } else {
    111             if (coord_counts[@intCast(usize, cell)] != -1) {
    112                 coord_counts[@intCast(usize, cell)] += 1;
    113             }
    114         }
    115     }
    117     var max_area: isize = 0;
    118     var max_coord: usize = 0;
    119     for (coord_counts) |count, coord_i| {
    120         //debug.warn("[{}]: {}\n", coord_i, count);
    121         if (count > max_area) {
    122             max_area = count;
    123             max_coord = coord_i;
    124         }
    125     }
    126     debug.assert(max_area >= 0);
    128     return @intCast(u32, max_area);
    129 }
    131 test "biggest finite area" {
    132     var allocator = &std.heap.DirectAllocator.init().allocator;
    133     debug.assert(17 == try biggest_finite_area(allocator, test_coords));
    134 }
    136 fn point_from_index(i: usize, stride: usize) V2 {
    137     var x: u32 = @intCast(u32, i % stride);
    138     var y: u32 = @intCast(u32, @divTrunc(i, stride));
    139     return V2 {
    140         .x = x,
    141         .y = y
    142     };
    143 }
    145 // 0  1  2  3  4
    146 // 5  6  7  8  9
    147 // 10 11 12 13 14
    148 test "point from index" {
    149     debug.assert(0 == point_from_index(0, 5).x);
    150     debug.assert(0 == point_from_index(0, 5).y);
    152     debug.assert(1 == point_from_index(6, 5).x);
    153     debug.assert(1 == point_from_index(6, 5).y);
    155     debug.assert(2 == point_from_index(7, 5).x);
    156     debug.assert(1 == point_from_index(7, 5).y);
    158     debug.assert(4 == point_from_index(14, 5).x);
    159     debug.assert(2 == point_from_index(14, 5).y);
    160 }
    162 fn manhattan_distance(p1: V2, p2: V2) !u32 {
    163     var x_dist = (try math.absInt(@intCast(i32, p1.x) - @intCast(i32, p2.x)));
    164     var y_dist = (try math.absInt(@intCast(i32, p1.y) - @intCast(i32, p2.y)));
    165     return @intCast(u32, x_dist + y_dist);
    166 }
    168 test "manhattan" {
    169     debug.assert(5 == try manhattan_distance(point(1, 1), point(3, 4)));
    170     debug.assert(5 == try manhattan_distance(point(3, 4), point(1, 1)));
    171     debug.assert(0 == try manhattan_distance(point(13, 14), point(13, 14)));
    172 }
    174 const V2 = struct {
    175     x: u32,
    176     y: u32,
    178     fn print(self: V2) void {
    179         debug.warn("({}, {})\n", self.x, self.y);
    180     }
    181 };
    183 inline fn point(x: u32, y: u32) V2 {
    184     return V2 {
    185         .x = x,
    186         .y = y,
    187     };
    188 }
    190 const test_coords = []const V2 {
    191     point(1, 1),
    192     point(1, 6),
    193     point(8, 3),
    194     point(3, 4),
    195     point(5, 5),
    196     point(8, 9),
    197 };
    199 const coordinates = comptime block: {
    200     break :block []V2{
    201         point(67, 191),
    202         point(215, 237),
    203         point(130, 233),
    204         point(244, 61),
    205         point(93, 93),
    206         point(145, 351),
    207         point(254, 146),
    208         point(260, 278),
    209         point(177, 117),
    210         point(89, 291),
    211         point(313, 108),
    212         point(145, 161),
    213         point(143, 304),
    214         point(329, 139),
    215         point(153, 357),
    216         point(217, 156),
    217         point(139, 247),
    218         point(304, 63),
    219         point(202, 344),
    220         point(140, 302),
    221         point(233, 127),
    222         point(260, 251),
    223         point(235, 46),
    224         point(357, 336),
    225         point(302, 284),
    226         point(313, 260),
    227         point(135, 40),
    228         point(95, 57),
    229         point(227, 202),
    230         point(277, 126),
    231         point(163, 99),
    232         point(232, 271),
    233         point(130, 158),
    234         point(72, 289),
    235         point(89, 66),
    236         point(94, 111),
    237         point(210, 184),
    238         point(139, 58),
    239         point(99, 272),
    240         point(322, 148),
    241         point(209, 111),
    242         point(170, 244),
    243         point(230, 348),
    244         point(112, 200),
    245         point(287, 55),
    246         point(320, 270),
    247         point(53, 219),
    248         point(42, 52),
    249         point(313, 205),
    250         point(166, 259),
    251     };
    252 };