commit 94348ec92bad1b3a63a603fda1aa60427cb190da
parent 0b7f90228453238551c734c3b6a952f58389772d
Author: amin <>
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2018 08:10:53 +0000
Add solutions for 10-1 and 10-2
I did the second one at the same time as the first!
FossilOrigin-Name: 3d79a83ddea34bd83a1cc1108472202623e512889208218aa8923e3547050819
A | day_10.zig | | | 515 | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
1 file changed, 515 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/day_10.zig b/day_10.zig
@@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
+const std = @import("std");
+const debug = std.debug;
+const mem = std.mem;
+const debug_logging: bool = false;
+pub fn main() !void {
+ var allocator = &std.heap.DirectAllocator.init().allocator;
+ debug.warn("10-1:");
+ try printMessage(allocator, input_lights);
+ const result2 = try getTimeOfSmallestBoundingArea(allocator, input_lights);
+ debug.warn("10-2: {}\n", result2);
+fn printMessage(allocator: *mem.Allocator, lights: []const Light) !void {
+ var message_time = try getTimeOfSmallestBoundingArea(allocator, lights);
+ var lights_prime = try getLightsAtTime(allocator, lights, message_time);
+ printLights(lights_prime);
+test "print message" {
+ var allocator = debug.global_allocator;
+ try printMessage(allocator, test_lights);
+fn printLights(lights: []const Light) void {
+ var bound = getBoundingArea(lights);
+ debug.warn("\n");
+ var cursor = bound.nw;
+ while (cursor.y <= : (cursor.y += 1) {
+ cursor.x = bound.nw.x;
+ while (cursor.x <= : (cursor.x += 1) {
+ var light_is_here: bool = false;
+ for (lights) |l| {
+ if (V2.equal(l.p, cursor)) {
+ light_is_here = true;
+ debug.warn("#");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!light_is_here) {
+ debug.warn(".");
+ }
+ }
+ debug.warn("\n");
+ }
+ debug.warn("\n");
+/// Caller responsible for freeing returned buffer
+fn getLightsAtTime(allocator: *mem.Allocator, lights: []const Light, time: u64) ![]Light {
+ var lights_prime = try allocator.alloc(Light, lights.len);
+ mem.copy(Light, lights_prime, lights);
+ for (lights_prime) |*l| {
+ l.p = V2.add(l.p, V2.scale(l.v, @intCast(i64, time)));
+ }
+ return lights_prime;
+fn getTimeOfSmallestBoundingArea(allocator: *mem.Allocator, lights: []const Light) !u64 {
+ var time: u64 = 0;
+ var area = getBoundingArea(lights).area();
+ var last_area: isize = 0;
+ while (true) {
+ last_area = area;
+ time += 1;
+ var lights_prime = try getLightsAtTime(allocator, lights, time);
+ defer;
+ area = getBoundingArea(lights_prime).area();
+ if (area > last_area) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return time - 1;
+test "get time of smallest bounding area" {
+ var allocator = debug.global_allocator;
+ debug.assert(3 == try getTimeOfSmallestBoundingArea(allocator, test_lights));
+fn getBoundingArea(lights: []const Light) Rect {
+ var min = V2.init(@maxValue(i64), @maxValue(i64));
+ var max = V2.init(@minValue(i64), @minValue(i64));
+ for (lights) |l| {
+ if (l.p.x < min.x) {
+ min.x = l.p.x;
+ } else if (l.p.x > max.x) {
+ max.x = l.p.x;
+ }
+ if (l.p.y < min.y) {
+ min.y = l.p.y;
+ } else if (l.p.y > max.y) {
+ max.y = l.p.y;
+ }
+ }
+ debug.assert(min.x < max.x);
+ debug.assert(min.y < max.y);
+ var area = Rect {
+ .nw = min,
+ .se = max,
+ };
+ return area;
+test "get bounding area" {
+ debug.assert(352 == getBoundingArea(test_lights).area());
+const Light = struct {
+ p: V2,
+ v: V2,
+const Rect = struct {
+ nw: V2,
+ se: V2,
+ pub fn area(self: Rect) isize {
+ var xdim = - self.nw.x + 1;
+ var ydim = - self.nw.y + 1;
+ return xdim * ydim;
+ }
+const V2 = struct {
+ x: i64,
+ y: i64,
+ pub fn init(_x: i64, _y: i64) V2 {
+ return V2 {
+ .x = _x,
+ .y = _y,
+ };
+ }
+ pub fn equal(self: V2, other: V2) bool {
+ return (self.x == other.x and self.y == other.y);
+ }
+ pub fn add(vec1: V2, vec2: V2) V2 {
+ return V2.init(vec1.x + vec2.x, vec1.y + vec2.y);
+ }
+ pub fn scale(self: V2, scalar: i64) V2 {
+ return V2.init(self.x * scalar, self.y * scalar);
+ }
+ pub fn print(v: V2) void {
+ logDebug("({}, {})\n", v.x, v.y);
+ }
+test "v2 add" {
+ debug.assert(V2.equal(V2.init(1, 3), V2.add(V2.init(0, 0), V2.init(1, 3))));
+ debug.assert(V2.equal(V2.init(299, 11), V2.add(V2.init(-23, 14), V2.init(322, -3))));
+test "v2 scale" {
+ debug.assert(V2.equal(V2.init(0, 0), V2.init(0, 0).scale(100)));
+ debug.assert(V2.equal(V2.init(-2400, 3000), V2.init(-24, 30).scale(100)));
+ debug.assert(V2.equal(V2.init(-1, 1), V2.init(1, -1).scale(-1)));
+fn logDebug(comptime format_str: []const u8, args: ...) void {
+ if (debug_logging) {
+ debug.warn(format_str, args);
+ }
+inline fn light(px: i64, py: i64, vx: i64, vy: i64) Light {
+ return Light {
+ .p = V2.init(px, py),
+ .v = V2.init(vx, vy),
+ };
+const test_lights = []Light {
+ light( 9, 1, 0, 2),
+ light( 7, 0, -1, 0),
+ light( 3, -2, -1, 1),
+ light( 6, 10, -2, -1),
+ light( 2, -4, 2, 2),
+ light(-6, 10, 2, -2),
+ light( 1, 8, 1, -1),
+ light( 1, 7, 1, 0),
+ light(-3, 11, 1, -2),
+ light( 7, 6, -1, -1),
+ light(-2, 3, 1, 0),
+ light(-4, 3, 2, 0),
+ light(10, -3, -1, 1),
+ light( 5, 11, 1, -2),
+ light( 4, 7, 0, -1),
+ light( 8, -2, 0, 1),
+ light(15, 0, -2, 0),
+ light( 1, 6, 1, 0),
+ light( 8, 9, 0, -1),
+ light( 3, 3, -1, 1),
+ light( 0, 5, 0, -1),
+ light(-2, 2, 2, 0),
+ light( 5, -2, 1, 2),
+ light( 1, 4, 2, 1),
+ light(-2, 7, 2, -2),
+ light( 3, 6, -1, -1),
+ light( 5, 0, 1, 0),
+ light(-6, 0, 2, 0),
+ light( 5, 9, 1, -2),
+ light(14, 7, -2, 0),
+ light(-3, 6, 2, -1),
+const input_lights = []Light {
+ light( 31766, -52454, -3, 5),
+ light(-52374, -41935, 5, 4),
+ light( 31758, -31427, -3, 3),
+ light(-41862, 31671, 4, -3),
+ light( 10747, -41934, -1, 4),
+ light( 21267, 42181, -2, -4),
+ light( 52759, -20913, -5, 2),
+ light( 31734, 52701, -3, -5),
+ light(-41823, 31669, 4, -3),
+ light(-52346, 42184, 5, -4),
+ light(-20801, -52451, 2, 5),
+ light( 31760, -20904, -3, 2),
+ light(-31356, -10397, 3, 1),
+ light(-41823, -41934, 4, 4),
+ light( 10724, -10389, -1, 1),
+ light(-31344, -31427, 3, 3),
+ light(-41826, 42186, 4, -4),
+ light(-52393, 42186, 5, -4),
+ light( 42281, 52698, -4, -5),
+ light( 10700, -10398, -1, 1),
+ light( 21259, 31667, -2, -3),
+ light( 21215, 31662, -2, -3),
+ light(-10294, 10635, 1, -1),
+ light( 31734, -10392, -3, 1),
+ light( 52764, 52698, -5, -5),
+ light(-52394, 21148, 5, -2),
+ light(-20809, -31428, 2, 3),
+ light(-52333, 31666, 5, -3),
+ light( 31787, -20913, -3, 2),
+ light( 52776, -10391, -5, 1),
+ light(-52393, -52449, 5, 5),
+ light( 31768, 52701, -3, -5),
+ light( 31734, 21155, -3, -2),
+ light(-41847, -52455, 4, 5),
+ light( 21220, 21147, -2, -2),
+ light( 42273, 10640, -4, -1),
+ light( 10753, 52696, -1, -5),
+ light(-10309, -10389, 1, 1),
+ light( 42241, 21149, -4, -2),
+ light( 52806, 52701, -5, -5),
+ light(-20801, 31670, 2, -3),
+ light( 10720, 21152, -1, -2),
+ light( 31737, 42181, -3, -4),
+ light(-31332, -20913, 3, 2),
+ light(-10321, 52695, 1, -5),
+ light(-10294, 31664, 1, -3),
+ light(-10331, -41943, 1, 4),
+ light( 52788, -10397, -5, 1),
+ light( 52766, -31428, -5, 3),
+ light(-31332, -52458, 3, 5),
+ light(-31356, -20909, 3, 2),
+ light(-10329, -52453, 1, 5),
+ light(-31346, -31419, 3, 3),
+ light( 31787, 10638, -3, -1),
+ light( 10736, 21152, -1, -2),
+ light( 21255, -31419, -2, 3),
+ light(-31308, 31669, 3, -3),
+ light(-52386, 42186, 5, -4),
+ light(-10314, -20912, 1, 2),
+ light( 31766, -41938, -3, 4),
+ light( 42273, 21149, -4, -2),
+ light( 21255, -31419, -2, 3),
+ light(-41860, -41934, 4, 4),
+ light(-20817, -31421, 2, 3),
+ light( 21231, 52695, -2, -5),
+ light(-20793, 21151, 2, -2),
+ light( 42274, 31671, -4, -3),
+ light(-31353, 10636, 3, -1),
+ light( 21235, -41937, -2, 4),
+ light( 21251, -52452, -2, 5),
+ light( 42289, -20905, -4, 2),
+ light( 52766, 31666, -5, -3),
+ light(-52357, 52701, 5, -5),
+ light(-52386, -41935, 5, 4),
+ light( 42260, -20913, -4, 2),
+ light(-20836, 42180, 2, -4),
+ light(-52386, 31670, 5, -3),
+ light( 10757, -10390, -1, 1),
+ light( 10752, 42183, -1, -4),
+ light(-52381, 10633, 5, -1),
+ light(-31332, 31667, 3, -3),
+ light( 21237, 52701, -2, -5),
+ light( 10731, -41934, -1, 4),
+ light( 31787, -31425, -3, 3),
+ light( 52757, -41943, -5, 4),
+ light(-52374, 52698, 5, -5),
+ light(-52338, -52456, 5, 5),
+ light(-20844, 42178, 2, -4),
+ light(-20825, -52456, 2, 5),
+ light(-52367, -10389, 5, 1),
+ light( 10744, 52697, -1, -5),
+ light( 10704, -52457, -1, 5),
+ light( 31766, 42186, -3, -4),
+ light( 52761, -10390, -5, 1),
+ light( 31777, -20904, -3, 2),
+ light(-41818, -41938, 4, 4),
+ light(-52370, 10637, 5, -1),
+ light( 21267, 10639, -2, -1),
+ light(-52382, -10394, 5, 1),
+ light(-52370, 42180, 5, -4),
+ light( 21223, -31428, -2, 3),
+ light(-20845, -20913, 2, 2),
+ light( 52812, 21148, -5, -2),
+ light( 42241, -41935, -4, 4),
+ light( 52814, 52696, -5, -5),
+ light(-31316, -10398, 3, 1),
+ light( 52776, 10636, -5, -1),
+ light(-41823, 21148, 4, -2),
+ light( 52788, -10391, -5, 1),
+ light(-52370, 42186, 5, -4),
+ light( 10721, 52701, -1, -5),
+ light( 10744, 42185, -1, -4),
+ light( 21219, -41939, -2, 4),
+ light(-52378, -52451, 5, 5),
+ light( 31758, -20911, -3, 2),
+ light(-31332, 52697, 3, -5),
+ light(-10329, 31671, 1, -3),
+ light(-31308, 42179, 3, -4),
+ light( 31726, -20911, -3, 2),
+ light( 42275, 52701, -4, -5),
+ light(-20829, 21149, 2, -2),
+ light( 10706, 52696, -1, -5),
+ light(-31312, 52701, 3, -5),
+ light(-31364, -10397, 3, 1),
+ light(-41855, 42179, 4, -4),
+ light(-41823, 31665, 4, -3),
+ light(-31362, -10389, 3, 1),
+ light( 42273, -20912, -4, 2),
+ light( 10700, -52453, -1, 5),
+ light( 52788, 21149, -5, -2),
+ light(-10324, -31424, 1, 3),
+ light(-31356, -31423, 3, 3),
+ light( 10725, 52701, -1, -5),
+ light(-52343, 42186, 5, -4),
+ light(-31324, -31425, 3, 3),
+ light( 52799, -31419, -5, 3),
+ light( 10716, -52458, -1, 5),
+ light(-20849, 10638, 2, -1),
+ light(-52378, -20905, 5, 2),
+ light( 52764, -10391, -5, 1),
+ light( 31726, 10635, -3, -1),
+ light( 31750, -20907, -3, 2),
+ light(-31344, 10636, 3, -1),
+ light(-41839, -10397, 4, 1),
+ light(-52333, 52701, 5, -5),
+ light( 52780, -41939, -5, 4),
+ light( 42242, 10641, -4, -1),
+ light( 10728, -20909, -1, 2),
+ light( 52780, -41943, -5, 4),
+ light( 31766, -41939, -3, 4),
+ light(-20846, -41934, 2, 4),
+ light(-31303, 10640, 3, -1),
+ light( 42282, -41934, -4, 4),
+ light( 52780, -20907, -5, 2),
+ light( 31726, -20908, -3, 2),
+ light(-10310, 31666, 1, -3),
+ light(-31316, -41940, 3, 4),
+ light(-20801, 10635, 2, -1),
+ light(-41859, -10396, 4, 1),
+ light( 31750, 31669, -3, -3),
+ light(-52370, 21151, 5, -2),
+ light(-31312, -52449, 3, 5),
+ light(-20821, -10389, 2, 1),
+ light( 10744, 42179, -1, -4),
+ light( 31766, -20909, -3, 2),
+ light(-41870, 52692, 4, -5),
+ light(-52366, 31671, 5, -3),
+ light(-31364, -41938, 3, 4),
+ light(-31324, 52700, 3, -5),
+ light( 42289, -52449, -4, 5),
+ light(-10298, 21156, 1, -2),
+ light( 21212, 31662, -2, -3),
+ light( 10696, -20907, -1, 2),
+ light( 52776, 52699, -5, -5),
+ light( 42261, 52697, -4, -5),
+ light( 21235, -20905, -2, 2),
+ light(-52334, 42181, 5, -4),
+ light( 52777, -31428, -5, 3),
+ light( 10716, 31665, -1, -3),
+ light( 52817, -41943, -5, 4),
+ light( 52798, -41934, -5, 4),
+ light(-52338, 52696, 5, -5),
+ light(-52338, 42178, 5, -4),
+ light( 31787, 42186, -3, -4),
+ light(-31356, -52454, 3, 5),
+ light( 21259, 31667, -2, -3),
+ light(-20807, 10641, 2, -1),
+ light(-31319, 10641, 3, -1),
+ light( 31746, 31667, -3, -3),
+ light(-31324, 31671, 3, -3),
+ light(-10278, -10398, 1, 1),
+ light(-10286, 42181, 1, -4),
+ light( 42257, -10390, -4, 1),
+ light(-52354, 10641, 5, -1),
+ light(-20845, -31423, 2, 3),
+ light( 21220, -31424, -2, 3),
+ light( 21230, -20904, -2, 2),
+ light(-52392, -41934, 5, 4),
+ light(-20793, 52694, 2, -5),
+ light( 10744, -41941, -1, 4),
+ light( 31758, 42185, -3, -4),
+ light(-20788, 21149, 2, -2),
+ light(-52346, -31428, 5, 3),
+ light( 31729, -20908, -3, 2),
+ light( 52804, -20909, -5, 2),
+ light(-20841, 52697, 2, -5),
+ light(-20820, -41934, 2, 4),
+ light(-20829, -41936, 2, 4),
+ light(-52375, 10632, 5, -1),
+ light(-41874, 42184, 4, -4),
+ light( 52756, 52700, -5, -5),
+ light( 42265, 42184, -4, -4),
+ light(-31364, 31668, 3, -3),
+ light(-10310, 42178, 1, -4),
+ light( 10716, -52454, -1, 5),
+ light( 31774, -41937, -3, 4),
+ light(-52389, 10638, 5, -1),
+ light( 31747, 52692, -3, -5),
+ light(-31316, -52457, 3, 5),
+ light( 52760, -31423, -5, 3),
+ light(-31305, 21151, 3, -2),
+ light( 10736, -31421, -1, 3),
+ light(-10326, 10634, 1, -1),
+ light(-41847, -20905, 4, 2),
+ light(-10286, 31666, 1, -3),
+ light( 31787, -20906, -3, 2),
+ light( 42290, -31419, -4, 3),
+ light( 21223, -10394, -2, 1),
+ light(-31306, -10394, 3, 1),
+ light(-20801, 21149, 2, -2),
+ light( 31753, -52449, -3, 5),
+ light( 31787, 21151, -3, -2),
+ light(-10314, 10634, 1, -1),
+ light( 42284, 21156, -4, -2),
+ light( 21235, 10632, -2, -1),
+ light( 21228, 31671, -2, -3),
+ light(-20825, 21147, 2, -2),
+ light( 31758, 21153, -3, -2),
+ light(-31305, -20909, 3, 2),
+ light( 42241, 42184, -4, -4),
+ light(-20801, 31663, 2, -3),
+ light( 52796, -52453, -5, 5),
+ light(-10334, -31423, 1, 3),
+ light( 52764, -31425, -5, 3),
+ light( 10720, -10393, -1, 1),
+ light(-20844, -31422, 2, 3),
+ light( 10704, 10635, -1, -1),
+ light( 42250, 52696, -4, -5),
+ light(-10273, 52695, 1, -5),
+ light( 10698, 31662, -1, -3),
+ light(-10278, 10638, 1, -1),
+ light( 21211, 52693, -2, -5),
+ light( 42298, -31424, -4, 3),
+ light(-10326, 52701, 1, -5),
+ light( 31760, 31671, -3, -3),
+ light( 10752, 10641, -1, -1),
+ light(-10313, -10398, 1, 1),
+ light(-31311, 31671, 3, -3),
+ light( 42273, -31422, -4, 3),
+ light( 10720, 42184, -1, -4),
+ light(-20845, 31670, 2, -3),
+ light(-31347, 10641, 3, -1),
+ light(-10332, 52692, 1, -5),
+ light(-31332, -31419, 3, 3),
+ light( 42293, 21156, -4, -2),
+ light(-31353, 10632, 3, -1),
+ light(-31316, 52699, 3, -5),
+ light(-31364, 21149, 3, -2),
+ light(-10278, 21156, 1, -2),
+ light( 42302, -31427, -4, 3),
+ light( 21219, -41942, -2, 4),
+ light( 31731, 52701, -3, -5),
+ light( 42241, -20909, -4, 2),
+ light(-31344, -10397, 3, 1),
+ light( 42277, -20904, -4, 2),
+ light(-10274, -41939, 1, 4),
+ light( 31782, -52450, -3, 5),
+ light(-41876, 31667, 4, -3),
+ light( 10749, -20904, -1, 2),
+ light( 21224, -20911, -2, 2),
+ light( 31734, 31662, -3, -3),
+ light( 21231, 10635, -2, -1),
+ light(-52389, -31419, 5, 3),
+ light( 31734, -41937, -3, 4),
+ light( 42257, -20905, -4, 2),
+ light( 42297, 52697, -4, -5),
+ light( 52805, 21156, -5, -2),
+ light( 10709, -20910, -1, 2),
+ light(-52370, -31420, 5, 3),
+ light(-10326, 21152, 1, -2),